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Mallory's Bears [Werebears of Shatland, Texas 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 6
Mallory's Bears [Werebears of Shatland, Texas 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Read online
Page 6
* * * *
Mallory was lost in a sea of sex. When Rick had first grabbed her, she’d been frightened, even terrified. But then the sizzle that had taken over her body and mind since arriving at the ranch had suddenly spiraled toward the heavens. Instinct, nothing like she’d ever experienced, snared her, driving away all the protests her mind shouted. She went from zero to sixty in the space of only a few seconds, her body becoming an instrument meant solely to give and receive pleasure.
She’d wanted Rick as much as she’d ever wanted anything. When his fingers pierced her, she’d rocketed upward, leaving nothing left but the feel of him inside her. Heat radiated from his body to hers, back again, then centered in her pussy. Without a shred of doubt, she knew she’d waited for him, for them to have her. Nothing, and yet, everything made sense.
Her heart still pounded in her ears, her pulse racing at light speed even after her megaclimax with Rick. Then when Gunner had stolen her away, the electric energy coursing between Rick and her had shifted, surging toward Gunner.
She didn’t hesitate to open her legs when he put her on the railing. Her fingernails dug into his arms, even to the point of breaking his skin and bringing forth spots of red.
Like Rick, Gunner was a master at wielding his weapon of desire. He plunged into her, each time going harder and farther. He was huge, too, spreading her pussy walls until pleasure threatened to change into pain. His mouth found her nipple, his tongue lavishing it only to take it between his teeth and tug on it.
The wood underneath her buttocks rubbed against her skin as Gunner’s arms enveloped her and kept her pulled against him. She locked her ankles behind him and held on, certain that if she didn’t, she’d fall backward into the garden.
Her fantasy was coming true. Kid had urged her to let it happen, and yet she’d tried her best to resist. Once Rick had trapped her in his arms, her resistance had dissolved, flooded by the sensations that muddled her thoughts.
She whimpered, daring to turn Gunner loose to ease her hand between their bodies. His abdomen, hard as any stone wall, struck her hand as she moved her fingers to spread her folds. She rubbed her clit, positioning her hand to feel his cock work back and forth. The slickness between her legs made it harder to pinch her clit, but she didn’t have to touch it hard. Her clit, like the rest of her body, was on fire.
She rubbed, adding another level to the feeling of his cock driving into her pussy. Her clit set up a pounding beat, aching so much that it put her on the edge of pain. She leaned back, angling her body to give him easier access to her G-spot. She had no doubt that he’d find it just as his brother had done.
“Fuck, you’re so tight.”
Gunner’s eyes had changed, going from a soft seductive brown to a lighter shade that sparkled with tiny dots of amber. His hand covered hers, helping to glide her fingers over her clit. Her juices covered both their hands.
“Next time I’m going to taste you first.”
A thrill powered through her at the vision of his head between her legs.
“Look at me, Mallory.”
She lifted her gaze to his and her breath hitched in her throat. The look he gave her stunned her. How could anyone, especially a man she’d just met, look at her with such hunger, such need, such… Was it love? It was impossible, and yet, she would’ve sworn that’s what she saw. She glanced at Rick who leaned forward in the chair, his lust-clouded eyes fixed on her face, and saw the same remarkable glint there.
Gunner took hold of her legs, lifting her bottom higher while pushing her upper torso back. She let out a yelp as she felt her body sliding off the rail, but she needn’t have worried. His strong arms, muscles rippling with the effort, secured her to him.
With a groan, he pierced her pussy again, harder and stronger than before. His fingers moved hers out of the way, then captured her clit between them.
Delirium, filled with the sinful delight of his cock inside her pussy, sent her flying over the edge of another climax. She was beyond thought, beyond caring if what they were doing was right or wrong. The only thing she cared about was feeling his cock inside her and her body next to his. Time to think about what she’d done would come soon enough. Her body shuddered, sending out blast after blast of her cream. She’d given herself to them, all of her being, and expected nothing in return except to see the elation on their faces and feel their cum sliding between her legs.
His thrusts were hard, primal, almost brutal, and yet each time his cock entered her, the sensation of it pushing toward the end of her brought unmeasurable joy. He could do whatever he wanted with her and she wouldn’t complain. Hell, she’d rejoice.
Her body worked on its own now. She was unable to tell it what do to, how to move. Uncontrollable trembles racked her as she held onto him, letting his shudders struggle against hers. She clawed at his back, needing to get the pressure of her release out in every way she could. Bright flashes of light set up fireworks behind her eyelids as she gave in, her body erupting in an orgasmic explosion.
Her body shook, blocking out everything else.
“Easy, baby. Just let yourself go. Don’t worry about anything. I’ve got you.”
She clung to him as the night air whispered against her body. Shudders still shook her like aftershocks. She’d never experienced anything like it. Not one, much less two.
And still, the hum inside her was still there, inching higher and higher. Whether it would last, she didn’t know. But if that was what had drawn them together so quickly, she’d welcome it to stay.
Gunner eased her onto her feet, holding her until she was steady. She leaned against him and put her face against his strong chest.
“That was great, baby. Better than I imagined and I imagined a lot.”
Rick was next to her, his hands running over her body, soothing her while sending the need for them rising. “That was amazing. You were amazing.”
She struggled to find the right thing to say. “I don’t know what came over me.”
“It’s okay. We were swept up in it, too.”
Embarrassment swamped her. “I never do this kind of thing. Never.” What would they think of her? Even though she wasn’t staying long, how they viewed her suddenly mattered more than she could say.
“Baby, it’s okay. It’s only natural. We’re drawn to you and you’re drawn to us.” Rick brushed her hair back and pressed a kiss to the nape of her neck.
“I can’t believe this.” She wanted to stay, wanted to feel their hands all over her again. Failing that, just listening to their voices would’ve been enough. Yet how could she? She’d already made one mistake. No. She had to get away from them. Only then would she be able to think straight.
“Stay.” Gunner took off his shirt, leaving himself totally naked, and put it around her, tenderly, lovingly.
“No. I’ve got to get back to my room. It’s okay. I’m okay. Just let me go.” She didn’t bother to gather the shreds of her clothing. Instead, she darted inside the house and raced up the stairs to her bedroom.
By the time she reached her room, she was in tears. Nothing made sense. Tomorrow she’d be gone and the brief time they’d had together would only be a memory. One she would treasure.
But wasn’t that the problem? Leaving them behind on the porch had been hard enough. How could she leave them behind forever?
Wracked with sobs, she threw herself onto her bed.
* * * *
Rick snagged Gunner’s arm, keeping him from running after Mallory. “Leave her alone.”
“But she’s crying. That’s not how sex with us should end, man.”
Rick’s gut twisted. How had things gone from so great to so fucked up so fast? “I know, but it’s not going to do any good to talk to her now. Give her the night. Once she calms down, the connection will bring her around again. Until then, she needs the space. Otherwise, we’re going to overwhelm her and that might send her packing.”
Gunner yanked on his jeans and Rick started doing the same.
Like his brother, he wanted to comfort her, but if he did, he was afraid he’d want her again. She didn’t need another romp of sex right then. That would only make her more confused.
“We need to tell her. Now that we’ve had her, we can do that, right?”
He considered it and wanted to tell her, but the time wasn’t right. And the thought of telling her? That put a churning in his gut that was born of fear. If they told her so soon, would she run?
“Not yet. We still have the problem of the stock getting killed to deal with. Plus, if having sex this fast threw her for a loop, can you imagine what it’d do to her if we told her what we are? Naw, one thing at a time. Let her get used to feeling the connection, then we can tell her the rest.”
“What if she leaves before then?”
“She won’t. We won’t let her.”
Gunner groaned, then flopped onto a chair. “It’s the real deal. She’s the real deal. You know that, right?”
“Yeah. I do. And after this, there’s no doubt that she feels the connection.”
“Then why do you razz her so much?”
Rick smiled and wondered if he could explain something he couldn’t get a grip on. “I don’t know. Remember the Cursons?”
“What the hell do they have to do with this?”
Don and Mary Cursons were a couple who lived in Shatland and were infamous for their screaming matches and public arguments. “Remember how much they fought?”
“Yeah. Most of us were surprised when they didn’t kill each other. But I’m still not getting it.”
“They fought like hell on earth. But do you remember what they did after the fights?”
Gunner chuckled, finally getting his point. “I sure do. Half the town could hear them making up, having sex anywhere and everywhere they could. Damn, sometimes it got downright embarrassing for the rest of us.”
“That’s right. They fought hard and they made up hard. That’s what old Don said. He also said they loved each other more than life itself. That it was an intense love that had their emotions swinging first one way then the other.”
“And you think that’s how it is with you and Mallory?”
“It could be. We just haven’t worked out all the kinks yet.”
“It’s the connection, all right, but it’s her, too. She’s beautiful and smart and funny and—”
“Everything we ever dreamed of. Yeah, she’s the one, all right.”
“But we can’t tell her.”
Rick pushed down the urge to run upstairs and tell her everything. “Not yet. But we will. Soon.”
“I hope you’re right about when, bro.”
“Me, too.”
* * * *
The next morning, after a long and fitful night interspersed with dreams of Rick and Gunner making love to her, Mallory finally forced herself out of bed.
She recalled the embarrassment of last night, but in the light of day, she didn’t feel that way any longer. After all, she was a grown woman and had the right to have a little fun every so often. It wasn’t a mistake. Aside from the fact that they hadn’t used protection—a fact which she regretted, but couldn’t do anything about now—she had to admit that given the opportunity, she’d do it again. The sex had been amazing, mind and pussy blowing, and her fantasy had come true. Why should she be embarrassed about that? Any woman in her place would’ve done the same thing.
As for what they might think of her for giving into them so quickly? That was the old double standard rearing its ugly head. Hell, hadn’t they wanted her as much as she’d wanted them?
Then there was the strange connection she felt with them. Never had she felt so comfortable with two men who could turn her on as much as they did. It was as though she’d known them all her life. She thought about that and decided that wasn’t true. It was more like she’d waited for them all her life, as though they were three lovers separated by time and distance, and had finally found their way back to each other.
It was a fanciful idea, but one she couldn’t shake.
So what now? Was last night a one-time thing? Were they just having a good time with the woman who was causing them so much trouble? If they thought of it as just a fling, would they ask her to leave today? Even if they did, she wasn’t sure she could. She was drawn to them in an invisible, incomprehensible way, but that connection was as strong as a massive chain wrapped around her body and locked to theirs.
She had to face them. Only then would she know where she stood.
She hurried to get dressed, then studied her reflection in the bathroom mirror. The wrinkled shirt and faded jeans didn’t do much for her figure. In fact, she looked like an old married woman, the kind who no longer cared about her appearance. She could sort through her suitcase again, but she knew it wouldn’t help. The clothes she’d brought were all the same. Boring and comfortable, not at all the way she’d like the men to see her. But it couldn’t be helped.
“Why should I care anyway? What happened was wonderful, but that’s it. Getting involved with ranchers who’ve been accused of hurting their animals is a stupid move. What if the accusation turns out to be true? I need to keep my objectivity.”
And yet, she knew that was impossible. She could try and believe that she could stay uninvolved in every way, but the ache, the yearning for them told her she was lying to herself.
“Hey, Mal?”
She swung the door opened to find Kid giving her a sheepish look. “Good morning, Mal.”
“Hey, what happened to you last night?”
“I’m sorry I disappeared, but when I walked into the kitchen, I saw Rick and Gunner go out the front door. So, I figured I’d give you love birds some time alone. I went up the back stairs and straight to my room.” He wiggled his eyebrows up and down. “I’m sure you didn’t mind swamping my company for theirs.”
She tried to hide it, but knew it was too late. Just the mention of the Northman men had sent a hot vibration to her pussy that she was willing to bet he’d seen.
“I was right, wasn’t I?” He narrowed his eyes, then fisted his large hands on his hips. “Holy shit, girl. You got laid, didn’t you?”
She had to get on her tiptoes to slap her hand over his mouth. “Keep it down, damn it. You don’t have to tell the whole world.” But keeping Kid quiet was a feat she couldn’t manage.
“You did! Tell me. I want all the deets.”
Most of the time, Kid acted like any man would, gay or straight, but whenever he got excited, he tended to lapse into the vocabulary of a high school gossip queen.
“Not on your life.”
“Aw, come on, Mal. Give.”
“Kid, I swear, if you hound me about this, I’m going to—” What could she do anyway? “Well, I don’t know what, but I’ll figure out something.”
“Was it Rick? Or Gunner?” His mouth fell open and his eyes were round circles. “Do not tell me you did both of them! Oh, my lord, hallelujah, the dry spell has been broken.”
She blushed and slapped him on the arm. “Okay, now I’m really not telling you.”
“Uh-huh.” He arched his eyebrow in a “yeah, right” gesture. “We’ll see about that.”
“Kid, I’m serious.”
The struggle for him to accept her decision was evident, but he finally gave in. No doubt because he figured he’d get it out of her later.
“Oh, all right. We’ve got to get a move-on anyway. Unless you need some breakfast. The guys and I already ate.”
“The guys and you? So you’re getting chummy with them?”
He shrugged. “I’m not sure what you mean, but yeah, I’m getting to know them.” His wide grin was back. “But I sure as hell didn’t get as chummy as you did.”
He’d scored a point with that one.
“But seriously, Mal. They’re decent guys and I think we’ve got them pegged wrong. From what they told me and what we’ve seen, all they want is to keep their livestock happy and healthy.”
“Until they send the cattle to s
laughter, of course.”
Kid had a sudden interest in his feet. “Yeah, well, that is their business. Just because we don’t like it doesn’t mean they’re doing anything wrong. Rick mentioned that he was going to have a friend check up on Lawson’s operations. After all, you can’t expect them to drop everything—everyone—and run up to Kansas to check the place out. If they’re putting cattle down the wrong way, then their friend will find out and let them know.”
“Wow. So you’re saying you see it their way now?”
“It’s not their way or our way. It’s the right way that matters. We might be on the same team. At least some of the time.” He met her gaze dead on. “Raising cattle is their business and their livelihood. As long as they do it the humane way, then, no, I don’t see anything wrong with it.”
Kid rarely disagreed with her. When he did, he had a way of making her see his point and this time was no different. Her argument had never been with ranchers who did the right thing by their animals. That still didn’t mean she’d eat meat or condone raising animals for food anytime soon, but it didn’t make them criminals, either.
“Let’s not get into it, okay, Mal? The guys want to take us out on the range today. They said something about checking the livestock and giving us a firsthand look. I think they’re trying to win you over. So, like I said, unless you need to grab some grub first, they’re waiting in the barn.”
“Grab some grub? Wow, you’re really getting into this whole cowboy thing, aren’t you?”
“When the cowboys look like they do, then I say, yippee ki oh ki yay.”
She laughed and tried to ignore the growing ache between her legs. She wasn’t sure why they’d invited Kid along, but that didn’t matter. She’d find a way to get alone with them again.
“That’s a good idea. I could use a ride.”