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  • Mallory's Bears [Werebears of Shatland, Texas 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 5

Mallory's Bears [Werebears of Shatland, Texas 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Read online

Page 5

  “Beats me, Kid. Either that or they’re trying to avoid their house guests.”

  “There’s no way they’re avoiding us. Or at least, not you. Not after the way they were looking at you over dinner. I’m surprised they remembered I was there.”

  She rummaged in a drawer and found a knife. “See if you can find some jelly in the refrigerator. And maybe some raw veggies.” Getting out six pieces of bread, she began spreading the peanut butter along its smooth, soft surface. Kid would no doubt eat three of the four sandwiches.

  “Here you go.”

  She took the grape jelly and dipped her knife into its gooey goodness. “I am so hungry.”

  “Then you eat two of them.”

  She gave him a “yeah, right” face and had them both laughing. “Shh. We don’t want them to find us. In fact, grab a couple of those water bottles and let’s take our food out to the porch.”

  The night was balmy whenever the slight breeze let up. They sat in two rockers with a small table between them and began eating. For several minutes, nothing was said. Instead, she leaned back and studied the bright stars above her.

  “I could live on a ranch like this.”

  Kid stopped rocking, almost as surprised as she was at her admission. “Could you live on this ranch?”

  She tried to make a sound somewhere between a laugh and a scoff, but fell short. “Where did that crazy idea come from?”

  “From the fact that they’ve got a hankerin’”—he grinned at using the old-time word—“for you big-time. If I had to make a bet, I’d say those two guys fell head over boots in love with you the second they saw you.”

  Did he really think so? A flutter erupted in her stomach that had nothing to do with her hunger. “Oh, my God, Kid, you’re such a hopeless romantic.”

  “Yeah, I am, but I know what I saw. And I saw the same thing from you.”

  Obviously, he wasn’t going to drop the subject. She took a sip of her water, determined not to meet his intense gaze. “I think you were in the sun too long.”

  “Go on, Mal. Try and deny that you feel something for them.”

  She could try to lie, but Kid had a way of knowing whenever she did. “Fine. I admit it. I’m attracted to them. But simple lust is a far cry from falling in love with two men I don’t even know.”

  Kid finally leaned back in his chair, letting her relax. He took a huge bite, devouring half his first sandwich. “Normally, I’d agree with you, but not now. Uh-uh. I don’t know what’s going on, but something sure is.”

  She worried her lower lip, then decided to tell him. Setting down her plate and drink, she gripped the arm of the chair and dived in. “Maybe you’re right. At least about something going on.”

  His eyes grew big as he put his food and drink down and leaned toward her. “Finally. You admit it. Spill.”

  “I can’t explain it, but every time I’m near them, hell, even now when they’re not right here, I get this strange sensation inside me.”

  “What do you mean strange? Good strange or bad strange?”

  “Good.” She thought about it a moment longer. “Yeah. Definitely good. Amazing. Exhilarating. Like I can’t wait to run my hands and tongue all over them. Like I want to crawl on top of them and have my way with them.”

  “Wow. That sounds incredible.” Kid crammed the rest of his first sandwich then most of his second sandwich into his mouth. He swallowed it all whole. “Then why don’t you?”

  She paused, her hand in midair with the water bottle. “What? Are you kidding? First, I don’t know them.”

  He waved that excuse away. “Oh, bull. I can’t think of a better way to get to know them.”

  She let out her exasperation in a groan. “Second, they might be involved with cruelty to animals.”

  He hesitated, then spoke his mind. “Sorry, but I think we’re accusing innocent men. From what we saw today, they treat their animals better than most people treat their pet dogs. The only thing missing is for them to carry a calf around in a very large purse.”

  “And third…” Her mind blanked.

  “See? You can’t come up with another reason. So just do it already. I know I would.”

  “You’d hump a post if you thought it would call you later.”

  Instead of being insulted, Kid let out a loud laugh, then slammed his palm over his mouth. He paused a moment to see if he’d awakened the men. “That’s the truth. Still, how many times have you told me about your fantasy of sex with two hot cowboys? Well, here’s your chance. Grab it before you lose it.”

  A tingle ran down her spine. Could she do that? Should she? She may not understand why her body felt so wonderfully weird whenever they were around, but she did know that she’d love to fulfill her fantasy. Even if only for a short time.

  Kid waited, an expectant expression making his face light up. “Besides, you could use a good fucking.”


  “I don’t mean that you’re a bitch or anything, but it wouldn’t hurt you any to let go for a night or two. So will you?”

  She didn’t want to say, knowing he’d hold her to it like a promise. “I’ll think about it.”

  “I’ll take that as a yes.” He stood, snagging his empty plate. “I’m going back for fourths. Do you want another?”

  “No thanks. I’d rather sit here and look at the stars.”

  “Suit yourself.”

  She lay her head against the chair and let her mind wander. As they had almost all day, her thoughts took her back to the men. She smiled as the image of them riding toward her grew stronger. Their eyes, sometimes growing brighter with bits of an amber color mixing with the brown, locked onto her. Or were Rick’s eyes hazel? They not only brought in the amber, but changed with the way the sun hit his face. She’d have to look closer next time to be sure.

  “Couldn’t sleep, huh?”

  She jolted upright, aware that she’d gotten so caught up in her thoughts that she hadn’t heard them coming. “Um, I was just kind of daydreaming. Or rather, night dreaming. Whatever you call it.”

  Rick eased into the chair Kid had vacated while Gunner leaned against the railing and stretched out his legs, crossing them at the ankles. He didn’t appear apologetic even though he said, “Sorry. We didn’t mean to bother you.”

  Oh, you bother me, all right. You bother me in all the right ways.

  She realized now that she’d felt the zing of the energy whip into her again before they’d let her know they were there. Her body came even more alive as though dosed with a full load of adrenaline. Should she ask them about the sensation? But if they didn’t feel it, she’d get nothing but embarrassment for doing so. It was better to keep quiet.

  Surely if they’d felt the same thing, they’d say something.

  “That’s okay. I guess I should be going to bed.” She began to rise when Rick took hold of her arm.

  “Stay and talk a bit first.”

  His request wasn’t gruff or confrontational. For that reason and because she couldn’t bring herself to leave them, she nodded and sat back down.

  “I wonder where Kid went to. He was supposed to be getting more to eat. I hope you don’t mind that we helped ourselves.”

  “Not a problem. You didn’t eat much at dinner.”

  She resisted the urge to say why, and instead, decided to change the subject. “It’s really pretty out here.”

  The pride shone on their faces. Gunner stuck his hands into his pockets and slid his gaze skyward. “Yeah, it is. And quiet. At least, it usually is.”


  “Kid has one hell of a snore on him.”

  She laughed, knowing what he was talking about. She often had to take a sleeping pill whenever they traveled together, even when they had separate rooms. Kid’s snoring reminded her of a 747 airplane revving its engines. “You might want to invest in earplugs. Or move him into the barn.”

  She winced at her slip of the tongue. “Not that we’re staying longer than tonight
. Oh, wait. So he went to bed instead of getting more food?”

  That was odd. He’d only had three sandwiches, hardly half what he’d normally eat.

  “You’re welcome to stay as long as you want.” Rick’s mouth twisted into a smile. “To get the evidence you need, of course.”

  “Thanks.” What more could she say? That she’d use the time to crucify them? Or that she’d love to spend more time with them? More personal, got-to-have-you time?

  She met Gunner’s gaze and felt the sizzle heighten so fast and hard that she was sure they could hear the hum of her body’s sexual motor going into high gear. She crossed her legs, sure that if they looked at that part of her body, they’d see a dark spot forming between her legs. She was wet, hot, and needing relief that only they could provide. She trembled and lowered her eyes. That, however, didn’t help when her attention landed on Gunner’s crotch.

  “We meant to ask at dinner, but we were…” Rick hesitated, searching for a word.

  “Distracted,” offered Gunner.

  She jerked her gaze away.

  “Anyway, we wanted to ask about Kid. He said he was your friend.”

  “He is. I’ve known Mike—Kid—for a year now.”

  “And how good a friend is he?”

  She frowned at Rick. “Not that it’s any of your business, but he’s a very good friend. Why do you ask?”

  “I know you two say you’re friends, but is there anything else between you?” Gunner shifted from one foot to the other.

  “Are you asking if Kid and I are emotionally involved?” The fact that they were asking the question had her trying not to beam. That was verbal proof that they were interested.

  “Emotionally or sexually,” added Rick who didn’t appear half as nervous as Gunner.

  “Again, not that it’s any of your business, but no to both.” She paused, giving her next revelation more impact. “Besides, I’m not his type. He’s gay.”

  If that wasn’t relief swamping their faces, she didn’t know what relief looked like.

  “Gay, huh?” Rick nodded over and over, as though he really liked her answer.

  “Yep. He likes his sexual partners with different equipment than mine. And hairier. You know. As in bears.”

  From their reaction, she wondered if they knew the nickname for gay men who were larger, hairier, and masculine-looking like Kid.

  Gunner’s laugh rang out and Rick soon joined in. “He’s a bear. Well, I’ll be damned. We should’ve picked up on that.”

  “I guess we were too involved to pay attention. That’s a hell of a good deal.”

  “What’s up with you two? I don’t get why Kid being a gay man is so funny.”

  They exchanged another telling look. It was obvious they didn’t want to tell her. “Okay, well, it’s fine if you don’t want to answer. I’d better get some real rest anyway.”

  She never made it to the door.

  Chapter Four

  Rick grabbed Mallory’s arm and yanked her to him. The force of his hold swung her around until she bumped against his chest. He inhaled, drawing in her sweet aroma, and let the whirling spin of his lust wreak havoc in his body and mind. Restraining himself a minute longer wasn’t an option. Having done so for most of the day had been hard enough on him. If he didn’t have her soon, he’d break apart.

  The soft “oh” she made as he spun her around was like a siren’s call to his inner bear. The beast inside him growled, then burst outward. If he hadn’t expected that to happen, he wouldn’t have been able to hold it back. Even then, it was like standing in front of a fast-moving semitruck and holding up a hand to stop it.

  He held her arms, her body flat against his as he gazed into her brilliant green eyes. Her eyes were unique, smoldering orbs of emerald that took hold of his cock and sent it straight into an erection. Her body was warm against his, radiating a heat that only his intended mate could give him. She trembled and it delighted him.

  “What are you doing?” Her whisper was breathy in an urgent seductress way.

  He shook his head, determined not to let her talk him out of it. “Don’t talk.”

  He should’ve known she wouldn’t obey him, but that was part of her charm. He’d always liked spunky women who had minds of their own. Crushing his mouth to hers, he cut off her attempt to speak, no doubt to argue.

  Had anything ever tasted so good? She was like his favorite food, his need to breathe air, the wine he loved in the evenings all rolled into one. He devoured her mouth, craving more and more of her flavor. She was a sex kitten and a wild cougar combined into the form of his intended female.

  She pushed against him, but it wasn’t forceful enough to convince him that she meant it. If she’d fought against him, really fought against him, he would’ve turned her loose even though he feared it would kill him. Instead, when she didn’t fight, he pulled her even closer. If he could’ve made her body sink into his, he would have done just that.

  She moaned, another sign that she didn’t want to resist. His hand slid to her rounded butt, then cupped it to shove her crotch against his legs. She was short, but he’d solve that problem easily enough. Taking her under her arms, he lifted her and moved forward, driving her back against the house. She broke their kiss, her eyes wide with alarm, until he couldn’t stand to see the fear any longer. But that didn’t mean he’d let her go. Instead, he buried his head against the curve of her neck. He nibbled as his hand found its way to her legs.

  Wrap them around me, he silently urged.

  The fact that she did sent his bear roaring its glee. The animal clawed at him, tearing him from the insides out, but he’d never give into it. At least not all the way. Keeping all the shift back was an impossible feat. The tips of his fangs burst through his gums to lengthen his teeth. And yet, somehow, he managed not to sink his fangs into her neck and claim her.

  Claiming her would come later.


  He heard the pain of burning desire in his brother’s voice, but he didn’t care. To stop, to let his brother have his share of her, wasn’t going to happen. He was too insane with his lust for her. Like the connection that had brought them together, his need couldn’t be broken.

  He yanked on her T-shirt, pulling the material away from her body so he could slip his hand under and feel the softness of her belly. Her bra gave way and he found her breast. Pain from the pressure of his cock against his jeans seared into him, but he didn’t care. That pain was nothing to the agony he’d experience if he didn’t have her.

  “Damn it, Rick. Share.”

  He growled at Gunner’s intrusion, then almost let his beast go free to attack when Gunner put his hand on his shoulder. He lifted his head, met his brother’s amber-flecked gaze, and groaned. Keeping her next to him, he turned around and put his back to the wall.

  She gasped, her body jolting when she felt Gunner’s hand grip her shirt and tear it away. The sound of the material ripping sliced into the air along with the first sign of her refusal.


  He met Gunner’s eyes and saw the same answer he’d give her. They weren’t going to let her go. Not unless she demanded it more forcefully.

  He lifted his head, ready to see the fear in her eyes and the unspoken demand to put her down. Instead, his heart skipped a beat as he saw blatant lust written all over her face. She wanted them as much as they wanted her.

  In the next moment, he’d torn her jeans, ripping the front of them away from her, then shoving them down over her bare feet to fall to the wooden floor. His brother snagged her panties before he could, getting rid of that barrier to her treasure.

  Her mouth was parted, her breaths coming hard and fast. And still she didn’t make them stop.

  His fingers plunged into her pussy, saw her quick inhale, then a sharp release of breath as she accepted his invasion. His bear’s growl slid out of him, but she didn’t flinch. Her legs tightened around him, using her knees to strengthen her hold. She supported her weight agains
t his as he jerked his jeans open, then shoved them to his ankles. His cock thrust out, ready for action, and pushed against her smooth mons.

  Damn. She’s so wet and hot.

  She’ll be tight, too.

  He shoved his hand against her, ramming it against her slit as his fingers slid deeper into her pussy. Working them back and forth, around and around, he watched her face, using the small changes of her expression to find her sweet spot.

  She tensed when he found it, then closed her eyes. Yet before she could climax, he withdrew his fingers, grabbed her legs, and pounded his cock inside her, his shaft hunting for the tender patch his fingers had found.

  I was right. She’s fucking tight.

  As tight as she was, he felt her clench her pussy walls, pressing against his aching cock even tighter. His balls drew up, and faster than he’d have wanted, yet unable to control it, his orgasm thundered through him.

  “Damn it!”

  She clutched the hair at his neck, then lay back so fast that he almost didn’t catch her. She shoved her thighs against his. The shudders rolled out of him as he dug his fingers into her shoulders and kept her to him. Her hair flowed over her back as she put her face toward the roof of the porch and cried out her torturous delight.

  Like the intended mates they were, they climaxed together, mixing their juices. He slammed into her again, determined to hit the back of her at the zenith of his release. The thin line between pain and pleasure bore into him, pushing him to let her go while clinging to her all the harder. She cried out again, and as she did, Gunner covered her mouth.

  “Easy, baby. We wouldn’t want to wake up Kid.”

  Rick clung to the remnants of his orgasm, his mind spinning as anger hit him. When had he ever come so fast? He’d wanted his first time with his mate to last, but he’d had little control. The intensity of their coming together had set off a sexual bomb that neither of them could have defused.


  Rick wanted to protest, but the energy to do so was gone as Gunner, his jeans and boots kicked to the side, tugged her away from him. Gunner carried her to the railing and set her down. Roughly, he pushed her legs apart and thrust his cock inside her. Rick, still struggling to regain his breath, pulled his jeans up, then fell into a chair.


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