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  • Mallory's Bears [Werebears of Shatland, Texas 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 11

Mallory's Bears [Werebears of Shatland, Texas 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Read online

Page 11

  His gaze met hers just before he gave in.

  Squeezing his eyes shut, he paused, then plunged his cock into her mouth again. He drove it to the back of her throat, gagging her, but she managed to hold on. Warm, sweet seed shot outward. She gulped down the richness of him as fast as she could.

  He opened his eyes again, the sanity they’d held before was now lost to his orgasm. His body shuddered along with his shaky groan as he pulled away from her, then fell to the side.


  Gunner rammed into her again. Having the butt plug inside her ass along with his cock inside her pussy riveted her to an even higher level of sexual stimulation. Like an out of body experience, she let her body drift away, only to be plunged back into her physical being as the ferocity of his cock slicing into her brought out the screams he’d said he’d earn.

  “Rick! Gunner! Oh, God. Please!”

  She was lost. Whether she came first or Gunner did, she couldn’t know. Her mind spun out of control, whipped into a whirling top from the frenzy tearing through her body. She screamed again, again calling their names. She’d be satisfied if she spoke no other names for the rest of her life.

  Up and over, her climax rolled out of her, coming together with his. They were connected, more than with mere sex, but by a recognition that they were meant for each other and no one else. She didn’t care that they hadn’t spoken words of love. What did it matter when she knew the truth of it, deep in her heart?

  Her body splintered apart, the shards of it falling away as her climax shuddered its way outward. Gunner bent over her, the bucking of his release quieting until, at last, he laid his head against her stomach and let out a long sigh filled with satisfaction.

  She wasn’t sure how long they stayed that way, with Gunner lying against her, his limp cock still inside her bruised vagina. With one arm slung over her chest, Rick joined them.

  “Mallory, stay.”

  It wasn’t the words Rick had spoken, but the tender, vulnerable way he’d said them. She swallowed back the urge to let her returning emotions swarm over her.

  “I will.”

  But for how long?

  Holding back that question was one of the hardest things she’d ever done.

  * * * *

  Mallory understood that Rick and Gunner needed to work the ranch. If she’d thought she could help them, she would’ve offered. But she knew nothing about ranching, other than to recognize cruelty to animals, and that was no longer an issue. She just wished that they didn’t stay away so long, sometimes working all day, then disappearing again at night “to take care of other things.” She assumed that one of those “things” was the wolf that was terrorizing the ranches.

  But why weren’t they telling her about what they did? They shared their bodies with her, but she couldn’t shake the feeling that they weren’t sharing all of their life with her. Should she question them? Or would that cause more problems?

  No. They’d tell her eventually. She had to trust them enough to wait.

  Missing them was harder if she did nothing, so she opened her computer and got to work. After, of course, checking her e-mail.

  She had several short e-mails from Kid. The first was to tell her that he’d arrived home and that his mother was doing better. The second was a reminder that she didn’t need to leave the ranch. He’d enlisted help in handling other complaints they were checking on. The third was the shortest one that got straight to the same question she’d been asking herself since she’d awakened.

  Do you love them?

  Leave it to Kid to get straight to the point. Unfortunately, that question led to others.

  Do I love them? Yes.

  Do they love me? I think so.

  But what does that mean? Would I move to be close to them? Is this enough for them? Or would they want me to live with them? Will they want to get married later? What about children?

  There’s so much that has happened, and yet not much has been said.

  She’d never thought much about marriage like other women had. But maybe that was because she’d never had anyone she’d even consider marrying. Now that she did, how could she marry them both?

  Since bringing her home a couple of days earlier, they’d had little time for each other. When the men were able to get back to the house, she hadn’t wanted to barrage them with questions. She’d heard enough of their exchanges to know that whatever they were doing had their livestock’s best interests at heart. Still, that didn’t mean she wasn’t disappointed when they’d dragged in very late and had gone to separate bedrooms instead of coming to hers. Feeling let down, she’d gone back to her room, determined not to seem clingy.

  Once, they’d awakened her with soft touches that had led to a wild romp of quick sex. When they’d finished, she’d hoped that they would linger, lounging in bed together. But a call had gotten them hurrying out of the house, skipping the breakfast she’d wanted to cook for them.

  Damn wolf.

  She hated the idea of harming any animal, domesticated or otherwise, but the wolf that kept attacking the cattle and even horses was different. He was a rarity, an animal that didn’t kill for food, but for sport.

  She sighed and tried to concentrate on an article supporting the industry of cattle ranching. Her mind, however, wasn’t ready to work. Not when her desire to have Rick and Gunner sandwiching her between them kept popping up and forcing every other idea away.

  At least she couldn’t be faulted for a lack of trying. But the day dragged on with very little work getting done. Instead, she’d finally close her computer, then had kept herself busy by cleaning the house and doing their laundry. By the time the sun had set, she’d grown too restless to stay inside.

  One of her favorite places was the porch. The home was like many in the area, with a generous-size porch and several rocking chairs. She couldn’t resist sitting there and enjoying a hot toddy. Taking her tea-and-whiskey combination with her, she chose a chair near a small table, then eased into it and placed her mug down. The night was clear, giving way to a spectacular view of the stars. A full moon hung overheard, the darker craters of its surface begging her to find the man who lived there.

  It was a perfect night for romance. The only problem was that Rick and Gunner hadn’t made it home yet.

  “Where are you guys, anyway?”

  She gazed at the moon and talked to the man staring back at her from the sky. “This just sucks. You’re up there and making the world look so romantic, but where are the men I love?” She glanced around her, aware that it was the first time she’d spoken her feelings out loud.

  The man in the moon remained silent.

  Which as it turned out was a good thing. The sound of the back door opening and closing earned her attention.

  They’re home!

  Not bothering to take her mug along with her, she threw open the front door and rushed toward the back of the house. She hadn’t gotten far when she almost barreled into Gunner and Rick.

  Stunned, she took them in, naked as the day they were born.

  None of them spoke. Instead, they seemed lost in the moment, each of them wondering what to say.

  “Did I miss a skinny dipping party?”

  Gunner’s usual lighthearted attitude seemed forced. “Nope. We’d have definitely invited you to that.”

  She let out a breath, all at once, overwhelmed by their nude and hotter-than-hell bodies. They were sweaty and dirty, but that only made her want them more. Drawing in a long breath, she took in the fragrance of their bodies mixing with the labor of their work.

  She didn’t want to ask them any questions save one, but asking them to take her to bed seemed off somehow. Instead, she finally gave in and asked the question that begged to be asked. “Um, then what are you doing running around without any clothes?”

  A horrible thought came to her, almost knocking her off her feet with its brutality. Were they out having sex with another woman? But why? Wasn’t she enough for them? And wh
y wouldn’t they have gotten dressed afterward?

  “It’s not what you’re thinking, Mallory.”

  Rick acted like he was angry at her for even thinking that way. His tone was sharp and unwarranted as far as she was concerned. “You don’t know what I’m thinking.”

  “You’re thinking that we’re cheating on you.”

  Were they cheating on her? But she didn’t have any right to accuse them of cheating, did she? After all, they’d never committed themselves to her or said they were exclusive. But he’d said the C-word, not her. “Okay, fine. You do know.”

  She steeled herself against the answer. “So? Are you?”

  Gunner pulled her against him, then sought her eyes with a look that smoldered with need. “We’d never do that to you. It’s not our way.”

  Confused, she made her mind work against the sizzle that rushed between them. “Then what’s going on?”

  “It’s nothing that concerns you.” Rick growled.

  “Nothing that concerns me? You’ve spent very little time with me since we got back from Shatland and now you come in late at night and butt-naked. And that’s not my concern?”

  Damn it. I sound like a nagging wife.

  “Rick, maybe it’s time.”

  Gunner wanted to tell her, that much was clear. He was right. It was time to clear the air. “Tell me what’s going on. I know you’re holding something back.”

  Rick started to say one thing, then changed his mind. She was sure of it.

  “Not tonight. I’m worn out.” He seemed to mellow. “But we will. I promise we will when the time’s right. Until then, you’ll just have to trust us. Can you do that?”

  “I don’t—” She gasped, just now seeing the wound on Rick’s hand. “Oh, my God. You’re hurt. What happened to you?” The only thing that could wipe away her desire for them was her concern for their safety.

  Rick lifted his arm, acting as though he hadn’t noticed the bloody wound on his forearm. “It’s just a scratch.”

  “Are you kidding me? It’s deep and it’s still bleeding.” She broke away from Gunner to take hold of Rick’s arm and get a better look, but he wouldn’t hear of it. “We need to take care of it. You should see a doctor. You might need stitches.”

  “I don’t need a doctor or stitches.” He jerked his arm away when she tried to take hold of it again. “Leave it be, Mallory.”


  He was pounding up the stairs before she could finish her sentence.

  “Don’t let him get you down.”

  “Why is he acting that way? I didn’t do anything wrong.” Tears sprang to life. She’d had hopes that they’d spend the night together, but those hopes had gotten trampled on. Even having Gunner so close to her, ready to comfort her, didn’t make her feel any better.

  “We had a rough go of it tonight. But that’s no excuse. He’s an ass for taking it out on you.”

  “Why? Please tell me what’s going on? Is it about the wolf?”

  He tilted his head at her. “Yeah. That damn wolf has been at it again.”

  “That still doesn’t explain why you’re naked.”

  He glanced up the stairs, then gave her a small smile. “I can’t get into it without Rick. But like he said, we will tell you.” He skimmed his palms along her arms. “Can you hang in there a little while longer?”

  “I shouldn’t have to. Gunner, please tell me.”

  He was trying to decide if he should tell her, but once he’d made up his mind, she could see that he’d decided not to.

  “Please, Gunner.”

  “I can’t. Not yet. Just know that we’re doing our part to catch him.”

  Him? Instead of it?

  She backed off from his advances, unable to stand to have him touch her when he wouldn’t open up to her.

  “Give it time, Mallory.”

  “I’ll try, but I can’t promise that I can.”

  “That’s all I can ask.”

  He started up the stairs, leaving her alone again.

  Her chest burned with his rejection.

  How could she feel so close to Rick at one point, then feel like she didn’t know him at all in the next? Had she made a mistake in staying? Yet, she’d had no choice. The attraction, the ever-present pull she had with both men gave her no choice. As badly as she hurt at that moment, that pain was nothing compared to the pain she’d suffer if she never saw them again.

  * * * *

  “What the fuck is wrong with you?” Gunner fisted his hands, ready to come to blows. Or better yet, he’d shift and use fangs and claws to make Rick see his mistake. “Are you trying to run her off?”

  Rick washed the blood off his already healing wound. “Fuck off. I’ve had enough crap tonight.”

  “Damn it, Rick. Her finding us naked was a good opening. We could’ve told her the truth right then and there.”


  Fuck, but his brother was frustrating. “No? Come on. We can still do it.”

  “I said no. Think about it. If we told her tonight, would you be sure that she wouldn’t freak out? And if she did, what would you do if she took off running? A woman out in the dark with that rogue werewolf around? That’s just asking for trouble.”

  “I wouldn’t let her get that far.”

  “Okay. So you’d bring her back to the house and then what? Lock her in her room until she accepts us for what we are?”

  Rick was backing him into a corner, but he had no way out. “Yeah. Maybe. I’d at least make her understand and show her, if I had to.”

  “Oh, don’t worry. We’re going to have to do just that. She won’t believe it until she sees us.” He wiped a hand over his face, his fatigue showing in the deepening lines. “Gunner, I know I’m stalling. First because I’m afraid she won’t want us and take off. Second because I just don’t have it in me right now. Like I said before. One problem at a time. I’m worn out and I can’t take any more tonight.”

  He was right. Every inch of his body hurt. If he had to shift one more time…

  They’d shifted, running through the pastures, checking the herd out and looking for any signs of the wolf. At one point, they’d run into Jacob Carr, one of the unofficial leaders of the werewolves who lived in Forever. After shifting back into their human bodies, they’d talked about the killings. Even some of the werewolf ranchers had suffered losses. Jacob, one of the few werewolves that the Northman brothers liked, assured them that he and his brothers, Jayden and Jackson, were doing everything they could to find the werewolf that was responsible for all the trouble.

  “Fine. We’ll keep playing it your way. But if you let your shithole attitude get in the way again, we’re going to lose her for good. Even the connection can’t make up for you being an asshole.”

  Rick blew up a lot easier than he did, but, although it sometimes took a while for him to work his anger out, he always came back to a level-headed way of thinking.

  “I know. I screwed up again.”

  “No shit.”

  “Yeah. No shit.” Rick flopped down on top of his bed. They had enough bedrooms in the house so that each of them could have their own room, but soon they hoped that they could join Mallory in the largest bedroom. That was the room they’d saved for the woman of their dreams.

  “I’ll take care of it,” said Rick. “Once we have time to do it right, we’ll tell her.”

  Gunner gazed out the window, his mind already drifting to the problem that had kept them away from her for far too long. “I’m going to hold you to it. Soon, too.”

  “Yeah. Soon.” Rick rose and started for the bathroom door. “First, the werewolf. It’s just a matter of time before we find the bastard.”

  Gunner felt the hackles rise on his bear’s neck. Its claws flexed and a warning growl rumbled in his chest. “Is that right? Is that all it is? Just a matter of time?” It was his turn to blow up, but at least he’d taken his frustration out on his brother and not Mallory.

  Rick cocked an eyebrow a
t him. “Yeah, it is. The bastard’s slick. I’ll give him that. But he’ll fuck up soon enough. And when he does, we’ll get him.”

  “Then we turn him over to Jackson and the pack?”

  He knew Rick hated the idea of letting the werewolves decide the rogue’s fate. He’d rather exact justice on his own terms.

  “I don’t know. Let’s decide that after we nail his ass.”

  “Done. Until then, we keep looking.” He shot his brother a hard look. “And you start treating our mate the way you should.”

  * * * *

  Another two freaking days.

  Mallory paced back and forth in the living room.

  Two freaking awful, sexless days.

  She checked the landing of the second story, expecting to see Rick and Gunner at any moment. If nothing else, she’d get to see them before they left. She’d made sure of that by getting up at five in the morning. They wouldn’t leave her behind today. That was the promise she’d made to herself.

  They weren’t going to get away with it. Telling her to stay and then ignoring her wasn’t going to work. She’d have it out with them once and for all, demanding that they tell her where she stood. Were they playing with her? Or were they as serious as they’d led her to believe? What the hell was going on?

  She’d paced into the living room again when she heard the thud of their feet as they headed down the stairs. “Hey, hold up.”

  Rick stalled for a second, then started moving again. Gunner, ever the easier one to talk to, grinned at her. “You’re sure up early.”

  “The better to catch you with.” Her Little Red Riding Hood joke fell flat. “I’m going with you.”

  Rick spun around. “The hell you are.”

  “Yeah, I am. I can help. Just tell me what to do and I’ll do it.”

  “Baby, that’s nice of you to offer, but this is—”

  “I swear, Gunner, if you tell me that it’s ‘man’s work,’ I’ll kick you so hard you won’t be able to sit in a saddle.”

  He visibly cringed, his hands going down to cover his crotch before he realized what he was doing. “Who me? I’d never say that.”


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